2ble Scramble - Muthu 14

You may be familiar with Word Scramble puzzle. Here is just an online version. 
 First you have to unscramble the given scrambled words.  You can just click and swap the letters right here online.   Click any 2 letters in a row and see them swapped!  Once you find and order all these words, click "Refresh Final Answer Boxes".  Now you get some letters for one more scrambled word. You have to arrange (unscramble) these to get a proper answer for the given clue. Finally press "Completed" button. Now all your answers will appear in the adjacent box. 
You need to copy this and paste in comments or mail your answers to inamutham@gmail.com

Have fun!!!
The following 5 scrambled words pertain to gardening.


Noah had to punish and discipline the chickens on the Ark Because they were using ---- --------
Answers to  "2ble Scramble - Muthu13"  

Answers to 2ble Scramble - Muthu 13 are:
1) long on
2) wicket keeper
3) square leg
4) cover point
5) mid-off
The Final Answer:
to put down (Complete the pun: I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible -- --- ----.)
Congratulations to the following who sent correct answers:  RamaRao, Veda, Mukilan, Rajesh Durai Raj, Shanthi, Gireja Ramesh, Yosippaver, Balachandran  (8 persons)


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